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kkKıbrıs Türk Futbol Federasyonu (KTFF), Kıbrıs Futbol Federasyonu (KOP), Dünya futbolunu idare eden FIFA ve Avrupa futbolunu idare eden UEFA Başkanları bugün Zürih’te Kıbrıs  saatiyle 12.00’de bir araya geldi ve bir ortak metin açıklayarak metne imza attılar…

Yenidüzen Gazetesinin yayınladığı KTFF ve KOP arasında imzalanan ortak metin şöyle:

Düzenlemeyi yöneten prensipler şöyle:
– Kıbrıs’ta futbolun birleşmesi, güven, ortak saygı ve iyi niyeti beraberinde getirecek.
– Düzenleme, uluslar arası sporun ilkeleri ile birlikte, FIFA ve UEFA’nın tüm yönetmelik ve tüzüklerine tam bağlılığı içerecek.

FIFA-UEFA-KTFF-KOPAnlaşma sadece futbol için geçerli olacak. Kıbrıs’taki siyasi soruna çözüm bulunana kadar emsal olacak.
İki taraf arasında imzalanan metinin parametreleri şöyle:

1. KTFF, KOP’un yönetmelik ve tüzüklerine uygun olarak KOP üyeliği için başvuru yapacak. KTFF’ye üye tüm kulüpler dolaylı olarak KOP’un üyesi olacak.
2. KOP, KTFF’nin kapasite ve yetkilerini tanıyacak, kendi üyeleri arasında, uluslar arası sporun ilkeleri ve FIFA ile UEFA’nın tüm yönetmelik ve tüzüklerine bağlı kalarak şampiyona organize etmek de buna dahil olacak. KOP yönetimi,  komite kurup, Kıbrıs Türk futbolundaki sorunları ele alacak ve Kıbrıs Türk futbolu ile ilgili kararlar alabilecek. Komitenin alacağı tüm kararlar KOP yönetimin onayına tabi olacak.
3. KTFF, KOP’un onaylanmış üyesi olacağı için, Genel Kurul toplantılarına ve KOP Yönetim Kurulu’nda temsiliyet hakkı olacak. KOP ise KTFF’nin genel toplantılarını izlemek ve gözlemci olarak katılma hakkına sahip olacak.
4. Anlaşmanın gelişmesi için KOP ve KTFF kalıcı bir organizasyon komitesi kurmayı kabul ederler. KOP ve KTFF’den dörder kişinin katılacağı bir İzleme Komitesi kurmayı kabul ederler. Bu komite yapılacak olan anlaşmanın gelişmesinin devam etmesi için takip edilecek maddeler şunlardır:

• Kıbrıslı Türklerin KOP Genel Kurulu, Yönetim Kurulu ve diğer komitelerdeki temsiliyeti

• Futbolcuların transferlerinin ve statülerinin düzenlenmesi

• KOP organizasyonlarında yer almak

• FIFA ve UEFA’nın gelişim programlarına katılım ve yer alma

• Kıbrıs Türklerinin uluslararası dostluk müsabakaları

• UEFA’nın bölgesel kupalarında yer alma

• Kıbrıslı Türklerin UEFA Antrenörlük Diplomaları alması

• Merkez Hakem ve Gözlemciler

• Kıbrıslı Türklerin KOP’ta değişik görev alımları

Yukarıdaki konularla ilgili Organizasyon Komitesi’nin alacağı bütün kararlar KOP ve KTFF’nin onayına bağlıdır.

Yukarıda kaydedilen maddeler olmadığı taktirde bir anlaşmanın olmacağı vurgulanır.

5.KOP ve KTFF, anlaşarak tek taraflı ya da karşılık olarak bu anlaşmayı iptal etme hakkına sahiptirler. Bu anlaşma iptal edildiğinde ulusal ve uluslararası geçerliliğini kaybeder. Bu anlaşmadaki hiçbir örnek katılımcılara yasal bir hak oluşturmaz.



KTFF Başkanı Sayın Hasan SERTOĞLU, 31 Ekim 2013 tarihinde Perşembe günü, saat 15.00’da, KTFF Ahmed Sami Topcan Toplantı Salonu’nda basın mensuplarına gündemdeki FIFA-UEFA-KTFF-KOP arasında gerçekleştirilecek olan Zürih’teki bu toplantıyla ilgili bazı açıklamalarda bulunmuştu.

Basın mensuplarının ve TV kanallarının da naklen yayınladığı basın toplantısında, REDBORDER Araştırma, Danışmanlık, Medya Hizmetleri tarafından kamuoyuna sorulan “FIFA’yla yapılacak olan görüşmeyi nasıl karşılıyorsunuz?” anket sorusu detayları da basın mensuplarıyla paylaşılmıştı. Dr. Salih Egemen’in yaptığı sunumda, Kıbrıs’ın kuzeyinin genelinin %81.2’lik vermiş olduğu desteğe karşın %15,3’lük kısım olumsuz bulurken %3,5’lık kısım da fikir beyan etmemişti…


Ortak açıklamanın orijinal tam metni:

The 5 to November 2013 is an important milestone in the history of the Cyprus Football Association, with the signing of the “House of FIFA” in Zurich temporary settlement for the organization of football in Cyprus.

The relevant documents were signed by the President of the Cyprus Football Federation Mr. Costaki Koutsokoumnis and the President of the Turkish Cypriot Football Federation in the presence of FIFA President Blatter Giozep and UEFA President Michel Platini.

The agreement provides, such as T / C Football Federation joined the CFA as a Federation, in accordance with regulations and statutes KOP. Furthermore, the Cyprus Football Association (CFA) will continue to be a member of FIFA and UEFA and the competent body responsible for the organization, control and management of football in Cyprus as well as the agency which is responsible for international football activities in Cyprus.

The two sides have also agreed to create a Permanent Steering Committee (Steering Committee) which will work on the implementation of the Agreement.

The agreement, which is based on the statutes of FIFA and UEFA, solely for matters that have to do with football and amalgamates and facilitate the progress of football in Cyprus in a spirit of trust, mutual respect and goodwill among the two football communities on the island.

As such the announcement of FIFA:

Cyprus Football Association and Cyprus Turkish Football Association sign landmark agreement

A major milestone in the history of Cypriot football was reached today, 5 November 2013, with the signing of a provisional arrangement for the organisation of football in Cyprus at the Home of FIFA in Zurich. The document was signed by the Cyprus Football Association (CFA) President Costakis Koutsokoumnis and the Cyprus Turkish Football Association (CFTA) President Hasan Sertoglu in the presence of FIFA President Joseph S. Blatter and UEFA President Michel Platini.

Under the arrangement CTFA becomes a member of the CFA as an association in accordance with CFA statutes and regulations. Furthermore, the CFA will continue being a member of FIFA and UEFA and the governing body responsible for organising, servicing and administering football in Cyprus as well as the body responsible for any international football activities in the country. Both parties agreed on the setting up of a steering committee to work towards implementing the agreement.

The agreement, which is based on the FIFA and UEFA statutes and only concerns football-related matters, aims to unify and facilitate the progress of football within the football communities in the island of Cyprus through a relationship of trust, mutual respect and goodwill.

The Cyprus Football Association announced that in today’s meeting held in Zurich between delegations of the CFA and Turkish Cypriot Football Federation succeeded in signing a temporary settlement for football in Cyprus.

The meeting was chaired by FIFA President Blatter Giozep while present was the President of UEFA President Michel Platini.

Head of Delegation of the CFA was President Costakis Koutsokoumnis while present was also the 1st Vice President George Koumas, the second Deputy President Andrew Santos and 2nd Vice-President Nick Nicholas.

The Turkish Cypriot Federation represented by its Chairman Mr. Hasan Sertoglu, Messrs Orcun Kamali and Hasan Balman and the director of M / S Football Federation Mr. Jerome Champagne.

Fundamental principle which underline clearly the arrangement has been signed, is that the CFA as a member of UEFA and FIFA, is the authority responsible for the organization, management and control of the football in Cyprus. added also that the CFA is the agency which is responsible for international football in Cyprus .

Please note that the signed settlement to put in place, should be approved by the General Assembly of the CFA and T / K Football Association.

The principles which govern the arrangement are:

-The integration and facilitate the progress of football in Cyprus based on trust, mutual respect and goodwill.

-The arrangement covered by the commitment to full compliance with the regulations and statutes of FIFA and UEFA and the international principles of sport.

The settlement-only issues of football. There is precedent for the political problem of Cyprus is temporary, until a solution to the Cyprus problem.

The parameters constituting the arrangement signed between the two parties is as follows:

1.The Turkish Cypriot Football Federation will submit an application to become a member of the Cyprus Football Association, in accordance with what is provided in the regulations and statutes of the CFA. It is understood that in such a case all the member clubs of the T / C Football Federation automatically become indirect members of CFA. The above are fully consistent with the model integration stockpile in CFA 2 years ago.

Two. The CFA will recognize the capacity and powers of T / C Football Federation Federation as a member of the CFA on issues related to the T / C Soccer, including the right to organize championships among its members, based on international sports authorities as well as regulations of FIFA and UEFA again based model integration of putty. As in the agreement made with our rural soccer, settlement provides that the Board of CFA will form a committee which will discuss and take decisions on issues related to the Turkish Cypriot Football. Any decisions by the Committee to apply should be validated by the Board of the CFA as it applies to all committees CFA.

Three. Since the T / C Football Federation approved as a member of the CFA will be entitled to representation in the General Assembly and the Board of the CFA in a manner and terms to be discussed. The CFA will be entitled to monitor the General Meetings and meetings of the Board of T / C Football Federation as observer (as with the STOCK).

4. The CFA and the T / C Football Association agree to establish a Permanent Organizing Committee which will work for the development of this settlement. The Board of the CFA will establish a Steering Committee which will consist of four people who will be recommended by the CFA and four people from the Turkish Cypriot Football Federation. Some issues could be addressed by this committee for the future development of the settlement signed include:

-Representation of T / K in the General Assembly, the Board and other committees of the CFA.

-Regulations in relation to the status of footballers on transfers and TMS (system international transfers FIFA).

-Participation in competitions KOP

-Participation in development programs offered by FIFA and UEFA.

-International Friendly Matches Turkish Cypriot Associations.

-Participation in the UEFA Regions Cup.

– Diplomas UEFA coaching in T / C coaches.

-Issues Arbitration Commission Arbitration Observers Games etc.

-Include T / C in different missions KOP.

Any decisions taken by the Organising Committee for the above issues, subject to approval by the Board of the CFA (and where necessary by the General Assembly CFA) and the General Assembly of the T / C Football Federation.

Emphasized that the above issues indicative recorded in the settlement there is no agreement.

5. The Arrangement for football in Cyprus as described above may be terminated at any time by either the CFA or the T / K Football Association, at the joint decision of both. Upon termination of this agreement, the state will have been created in relation to the Cyprus football at national and international level will be invalid. Nothing in this Agreement may be deemed to create or create legal rights or constitute a precedent with respect to the participants in this agreement.

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